Wild Card - Whose Shoes?
Welcome to Wild Card – Whose Shoes! Walking in the shoes of more interesting people 😉 My name is Gill Phillips and I’m the creator of Whose Shoes, a popular approach to coproduction and I am known for having an amazing network. Building on my inclusion in the Health Services Journal ‘WILD CARDS’, part of #HSJ100, and particularly the shoutout for ‘improving care for some of the most vulnerable in society through co-production’, I enjoy chatting to a really diverse group of people, providing a platform for them to speak about their experiences and viewpoints. If you are interested in the future of healthcare and like to hear what other people think, or perhaps even contribute at some point, ‘Whose Shoes Wild Card’ is for you! Find me on Twitter @WhoseShoes and @WildCardWS and dive into https://padlet.com/WhoseShoes/overview to find out more! Artwork aided and abetted by Anna Geyer, New Possibilities.
Wild Card - Whose Shoes?
44. Happy New Year! Where do we go from here?
Happy New Year - and thank you for listening!
For pretty much the first time ever, I’m starting the New Year with a plan. Or at least I thought I was. But, in the words of John Lennon, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans” so perhaps planning is overrated. Whose Shoes has had a pretty crazy, organic development up until now, so I’m sure it will continue to find its own course. We’ll see.
So, in this podcast, I look ahead to some of the Whose Shoes work we have planned for 2023. It will serve to put a marker in the sand as to where things are at; key projects and opportunities, and then perhaps compare at the end of the year, what actually happened.
Look out in particular for our projects around:
· Family Integrated Care in neonatal units
· Integrating services for children and young people.
· Exploring health inequalities, particularly around maternity care and how they affect women and families in black and ethnic minority communities.
I also talk about my article in Patient Experience News this month.
I share thoughts such as:
- “If you want to engage people, you have to be engaging.”
- Keep it simple.
- Listen to people and trust them.
Radical? You decide.
The podcast is enabling me to talk to amazing people who are making a difference in health care. I keep discovering more of them.
Coming soon: I will be talking to some fabulous new guests about health inequalities.
Here’s to 2023, and to paraphrase my friend, Helen Calvert:
"Let’s squeeze every bit of joy and opportunity from it”.
Lemon light bulbs 🍋🍋🍋
🍋 Keep podcasting and connecting people in 2023!
Links and resources:
- Gill Phillips’ article in Patient Experience News, Jan 2023: COMING SOON!
- Our. Fab Collection: https://fabnhsstuff.net/fab-collections/matexp
- Our #FICare project: https://q.health.org.uk/idea/2022/no-more-theoretical-mummy/
- Padlet contains links to ‘Whose News’ newsletter: Whose Shoes - overview (padlet.com)
- 'BAME' community workshop in Croydon: https://youtu.be/rlfwwT0dvUg
- Liberating Structures
References to other episodes
12. Terri Porrett - Fab NHS Stuff
13. Yvonne Newbold - Newbold Hope
16. Anna Geyer - visual recording
18. Nadia Leake and Rachel Collum - #FICare
25. Miles Sibley - Patient Experience News
34. Rachel Crook - caring for little ones, as a mum and a nurse!
43. #WildObs Christmas Special
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I tweet as @WhoseShoes and @WildCardWS and am on Instagram as @WildCardWS.
Please recommend 'Wild Card - Whose Shoes' to others who enjoy hearing passionate people talk about their experiences of improving health care.